Weekly Partner Update 4 – Heather (Head of PR/Content Writer)

Heather here 🙂 This week has been…challenging. Yes, let’s use that word. Not ‘a massive uphill slog’ or ‘a complete fiasco’. ‘Challenging’ has a much more constructive ring to it.  Firstly, the weather here in London took a dramatic nosedive. We went from sunny autumn days to miserable downpours in a matter of hours. I’ve […]

Weekly Partner Update 3 – Heather (Content Writer)

Heather here :). What a week it’s been! So my resolution to churn out more client post/blog work was an epic fail – so much so that I called in the cavalry in the form of Meghan (an awesome fellow Content Writing Partner) to help salvage a piece I’d written last week that needed some […]

Weekly Partner Update 2 – Heather (Content Writer)

Heather here :). This week has certainly felt better in terms of my overall productivity (though there is still a long way to go)! Here’s an overview of what I’ve been working on:    1. SERPwizz I took on the challenge of content-writing for SERPWizz – a new SEO audit tool we’re launching. When I […]

Weekly Placement Update 4 – Harry (Content Writing/PR Placement)

Welcome back one and all to my weekly Partner update.   To get straight into it – as I write this I know that I’ll be going on to help upload some of the Placement blogs to our WordPress. Hopefully, after our team meeting today, I will not only round up my own posts but […]

Weekly Placement Update 3 – Harry (Content Writing/PR Placement)


Hi again all, and welcome back to my Placement blog update for week 3.   Unfortunately, this week I was out of the office most of Thurs and all of Friday due to some prior family commitments. This meant that (working backwards) the tail end of my week was simply making sure I’d let the […]

Weekly Placement Update 2 – Harry (Content Writing/PR Placement)

Hi again,   Welcome to my weekly Placement update – a thrilling read! So, I’m at the tail-end of week two now, just writing my Placement blog before hopefully finishing up my round-ups for the week. This will include my last couple of HARO pitches – mainly for Astteria Diamonds and Dr Watson CBD who […]

Weekly Placement Update 1 – Harry (Content Writing/PR Placement)

Hello all,   This is Harry and this is my first Placement update after the trial week and my first ‘proper’ week as part of the team!   I’ve been getting used to working fully remotely since coming from my most recent job (all the way away in Australia) which was most definitely hands-on, so […]