Pearl Lemon Placements Tue, 01 Oct 2024 10:17:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Pearl Lemon Placements 32 32 Monthly Placement Update 3 – Tobias (Content Writer) Thu, 21 Oct 2021 16:33:18 +0000 Monthly Placement Update 3 – Tobias (Content Writer)

I have now officially been working at Pearl Lemon for 3 months, and it’s been quite the journey – constantly learning, constantly being challenged, constantly being pushed out of my comfort zone, but ultimately for the better.

Content Writing

As a content writer, I have definitely come a long way. I now know quite in-depth the different types of content there are, such as blogs, guest posts, service pages, etc.

I learned each of their roles, which has helped me learn more about SEO and website management in general and how to approach each one uniquely.

Source: Cincy SEO

Due to this, I have cut down how long it takes me to write each piece by A LOT. For example, a guest post would’ve taken me multiple days in the past due to my overthinking and lack of experience.

Looking back, it is almost hilarious how long a single post took me. As I have written more and more, my confidence has risen, allowing me to knock out guest posts in less than a day. 

However, I like to complete it in one day and upload it the next day so that I can check it over with a fresh mind – some wisdom bestowed to us by Deepak.

Service Pages are a recent addition, though, so this still takes me a while as I have only written a handful, but I’m sure that the more I do, the better I will get, so I’m not worried.

One thing that constantly plagues me is British and American spelling. I try to do American most of the time to keep it standardized, but there are several words that I didn’t even know were different across the pond (Americans really love to add Z to everything), so this is a consistent thorn in my side. 

I try to minimize the damage by using Grammarly, but this isn’t a 100% foolproof method, so I need to get to the point where I don’t make these mistakes at all. 

And, of course, writer’s block is a thing; there’s no point pretending it doesn’t exist. There can be days where I don’t know what to write or can barely squeak out 10 words, but when that happens, I try just to spew everything I can think of onto a page.

Even if it’s gibberish, even if it’s rudimentary, it’s better to get something down than nothing. When motivation and creativity are higher, I go back and flesh it out or completely replace it.

As I said, I have learned a great deal about SEO from my time writing for Serpwizz, a website centered around SEO tools and audited. I try to integrate this into every piece I write with the help of SEO tools like Page Optimiser Pro, ahrefs, Keywords Everywhere, and more.

Source: PageOptimizerPro ,Ahrefs ,Findability

Pearl Lemon As A Whole

Furthermore, I also understand more about the different sectors of Pearl Lemon and how integrated they are.

This knowledge comes from the weekly meetings, talking to the other team members, and even helping out in sectors.

For example, I have collaborated with Pearl in Pr a few times now; I have spoken to Lydia, the operations director, and of course, Deepak himself, the founder.

The team is friendly as always and are always willing to answer any questions I may have and even some that I didn’t, which encourages me to be inquisitive. I’ve had quite a few one-on-one meetings with different team members asking how I am doing.  

Right now, my biggest desire to take away from the rest of my internship is to be more involved in other parts of the company, not just the content writing team. As I alluded to, I have done this in bits and pieces, but I have slowed down on this quite a bit due to restarting university.

Final Thoughts

I’m pretty sure the 3 words I used to describe my internship last time were ‘difficult but refreshing.’

That’s still very much true, but that’s not a bad thing.

Altogether, I am happy with my internship as I have learned much more than I expected, and I plan to continue developing, personally and professionally.


Monthly Intern Update 2-Prudence(Content Writer) Mon, 11 Oct 2021 16:21:08 +0000                                                                  

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Hello People, it’s me, Yanzi Prudence, here again. ( i don’t know why I have introduced myself that way, though). I have come to the end of my 2nd month here at Pearl Lemon. Crazy how time flies so fast. 

It still feels like yesterday when I officially started my writing duties. 

And this month has had baggage of its own. The good, the bad, and the tiring. YEA!. Let’s straight up go to the highlights.


Intern of the Month Award.

Judging from my trial week, I didn’t think there was a chance I could be the most appreciated at any one point for my work. In my mind, I thought I was an invisible part of the company, and I stand corrected to this day.

So, I won the intern of the month award, which is my best highlight so far. I felt so honoured, recognized and appreciated for my input. 

I AM PROUD of myself. In my first month, I have this significant achievement. 

FASTER, more productive.

The first month had me work so many hours but on few articles. I could write only one article a day but spend so much on it. I just had no idea about the software’s that would assist me in my work.

Right now, I can write two articles a day, and we’re talking between 1k-1.5k words. Not the best count to brag about, but to me, it’s such a big achievement. 

I have a little more insight into what Pearl Lemon is all about. At the start, I only had basic knowledge about SEO and its practices. Currently, I can make out trends by just reading a title or, in the case of keywords, always knowing what it’s all about before compiling my notes into a blog.

I’m more open to my colleagues. The part about working remotely that not many people grasp wholly is how communication is a must, and the best means for us(at Pearl Lemon) to do so is through Whatsapp and email.

I’m no stranger to the two, but the frequency in which they are used is what was alien to me. I had to learn to respond efficiently, and the best of all tip is “your personal number should and must be different from your Work number.”

That has saved me unnecessary pressure, plus I can separate my social life from work life.


The bad is a highlight too. The major problem I have faced is the different time zones. Most of the time, you might need help from a team member who is not immediately available.

But, for remote workers, that is part of the package.


Now, where do I begin with this one- without compromising my stay at PL :). Working is great. 

Have you heard of the saying “do what you love and you will never have to work in your life”? YES! I’m pretty sure you have heard of it. See, they don’t mention that you can become worn out even when you are doing something you love. 

They didn’t mention that I will have writer’s block; there are just those days when your brain takes a long unnecessary nap.

They didn’t mention that I will fail to meet my deadlines on some occasions( i promise those are few).

Certainly, they didn’t mention that some tasks will be more demanding than they sound( like recording review videos).

But the Beauty………….

Is that this is all part of shaping me into a better writer than I am. I have more confidence than I did 62 days ago; I have awakened the potential in me that I thought I didn’t have. 

And the best of all, I AM NOTICING MYSELF.(partial thanks to the intern of the month award)

GOAL this month

It is to push myself beyond the limits, especially now that my tasks are piling up.


Monthly Placement Update 1 – Yelena (Web Designer) Fri, 08 Oct 2021 12:33:02 +0000 Hi guys! My name is Yelena (or Lena) and I’m a full time Web designer here at Pearl Lemon. You may remember my name from the last blog that I wrote a month ago, but if not, here it is 🙂

Not sure what to say, just that time flies by!!! The day after tomorrow I’m travelling back to my home country – Kazakhstan, to apply for a working visa which Pearl Lemon is organising for me. Unbelievable, incredible, grateful feeling but I think I will only actually realise that when I get my passport back with that stamp lol (fingers crossed!).

This past month was intense yet full of amazing stuff: a lot of different interesting projects, a lot of achievements and loads of fun! We finally wrapped up our big project that I was talking about in my previous blog, the one with the jets and unlimited design freedom. I was also asked to create business cards and brochures in a limited amount of time, but I’m happy that the client was more than satisfied with our work. 

When we were working on redesigning their website, we were mainly communicating through gmail, I would prepare all the screens and would send them via Wetransfer to the client, then we would wait for the feedback and what to add/change. Later on, after working for more than a month like this we decided to create a group chat in WhatsApp (I have bought a new sim card and signed up on WhatsApp Business in order to keep my business and personal profiles separated), where I would send different options and the client would comment and provide feedback on the spot. I must say, this way of communicating with clients might not be for everyone, but I believe that the difference between the time that I was waiting for a feedback through email and through WhatsApp was huge, I sent the final versions of business cards and brochures to the client after only one day since I was given that task. (Well I worked non-stop as well lol)

Here’s a sneak peak of some screens:

Besides this amazing project, I am also involved in Pinterest where I create everything from scratch for our other client who manufactures furniture and provides professional interior design services. This project is SO ME, as I adore furniture, decor, interior design, Boho vibes and cozy atmosphere. 

I create different versions of Pins, boards and “stories” pins, I then send drafts for approval via WhatsApp as well, so far I have created 250+ Pins! They only have to be approved now to go live but here are some approved ones: 











All in all, September was great…not including the weather here in London, but inside my heart it’s always summer when I’m doing my favourite job here at Pearl Lemon 🙂 

Please wish me luck with the visa application and thank you all for taking your time reading this blog. 

Talk to you guys soon! 🙂 

– Yelena (Web Designer)

Monthly Intern Update 1 – Shreyas (SEO Executive) Fri, 08 Oct 2021 05:39:49 +0000 Hello👋 I’m Shreyas, SEO Executive at Pearl Lemon. A quick introduction about myself – I’m from India and have finished my Bachelors in Business Administration. I have around 2 years of work experience, with roles such as Financial Analyst and SEO Analyst. My top 3 interests are technology, psychology and food.

It has been one month since I started working at Pearl Lemon. I have gained a good amount of knowledge, in terms of work and mindset. I love the diversity of the workforce and look forward to interacting with everyone. Shoutout to Deepak for giving me this opportunity. 

Adapting to the Pearl Lemon system was a little hard, but as time went and with support of the team it got better. The system of watching videos to learn is a great way to push yourself to learn more. Also, the amount of tools at our disposal is amazing and learning a few of them has been informative.

Work Experience

My first month was filled with learning new things, learning how to build links, using various tools(LinkedIn Sales Navigator, Clearout, Anymail Finder, Mailshake and more) to pull data and building content calendars. Having one year experience in SEO, working on Pearl Lemon tasks I have learnt new/different approaches to tackle work.

Communication and Learning can be challenging when it comes to working remotely. But, here at Pearl Lemon I’ve come across the best efforts to cut down on these two main challenges. Remote work has helped me to spend more time with family and have my work station suited to my comfort which has helped in productivity. 

The Culture

Can confidently say I’m working with quality people. I feel the communication across teams is good given the remote nature of work. Weekly Team Meeting is a great way to keep in touch and learn new things from other people. With the team present all across the world, someone is working at any given time of the day which is crazy when you think about it.

Final Thoughts

It’s been a good first month for me. Looking forward to learning more and using my expertise to tackle new challenges. If you’ve made it this far Thank You for reading. Hope you are doing well and until the next time. Take Care! 😊

Monthly Intern Update 1 Simeon (PR Executive) Thu, 07 Oct 2021 13:07:03 +0000 Hey There! My name is Simeon Lakuc and I’m currently a PR Executive at Pearl Lemon. I joined just over a month ago towards the end of August and it has been one hell of an experience so far. 


When I first applied to Pearl Lemon, I had intended to work as a content writer, which is something more in my wheelhouse. I had worked as a scriptwriter and creative director before so content writing was something I could easily fit into.


But, after I completed the first stage in the placement process (the online application),  one of the managers, Pearl, Head of PR, asked if I was willing to venture into PR (public relations). I was very unsure at first. But she believed in my potential and eventually explained to me in great detail what the role was going to entail. 



The trial week wasn’t an easy one damn! Not because of the magnitude of the tasks, but because of how in-experienced I considered myself in this particular field. But I went into it headfirst. I’m naturally an overachiever because I want to prove to myself that I can do it. So, that first week, when I found out there was only a minimum requirement,  I sent in as many pitches as I could. I did my best but even after I sent them I kept asking myself whether I had done well enough.

The Head of HR then said she would get back to me and I waited for two days that felt like a grueling month. When the response came, all my worries seemed silly; turns out I had done quite well and I was going to be given a work placement as soon as I was ready. I opted to start immediately. (whether or not that was a good idea is very debatable).



My first few weeks were basically ‘trial by fire’ like the program manual said. I was given a lot of important responsibilities that had to do with handling client campaigns and media reach. It was a lot of information to process in a short amount of time but I tried my best to zone in and focus so that I could be on top of things. 


My balancing act started to shake and Deepak himself took notice of that. He asked me what was going on and I told him I was still trying to get the hang of things. He then introduced me to training material that he had previously recorded and written to help me. I’m truly grateful for that because after going through the material, I started to improve.

But I won’t lie when he texted me, ha! I almost pissed my pants ;D. I was super terrified that I was going to get fired after just a week ( i mean we all know how intense and passionate he can be)…. But I’m glad I was honest because gained the help I needed.

When I joined, I found an amazing team!!! They are the kindest, most helpful people you’ll ever meet and also the most hardworking. Each person that I reached out to for assistance has been super helpful and patient with me. Each of them has had a hand to play in my improvement and growth ( especially Celeste, Akhila, and Pearl).



I have learned so many valuable lessons so far, here are just a few of the one’s worth mentioning:


  • Always ask for assistance and don’t assume you know it all
  • Reach for the stars but set goals or else you won’t accomplish anything.
  • Keep finding ways you can improve and grow in your performance – whether it means using tools like apps or websites  or going through training like the one’s Deepak does (those sacrifices have a worthwhile gain)


When my role switched From PR Specialist to PR Executive, I realized I have a major responsibility to honor that title. It got me excited for my future with Pearl Lemon but also reminded me to keep working hard to succeed to the best of my potential.

Simeon Lakuc (Public Relations Executive)

Placement Update #2 – Tamara (Content Writer) Thu, 07 Oct 2021 12:56:38 +0000 Placement Update #2 – Tamara (Content Writer)

Source: Unsplash


I have officially started my second month as a content writer with Pearl Lemon, and saying that still feels unreal. As I wrote in my previous update, I am still learning new things every single day, and my workload is constantly increasing, giving me more and more opportunities to write. 



Last month, in terms of workload, I think it was a bit more manageable; however, that could partly be put down to circumstances in my personal life, rather than Pearl Lemon. 


I feel I utilised the feedback I was given, especially when I consider the quality of my first drafts now compared to my first month. 


I have also learnt not to be afraid of using tools. Typically I would steer clear of extensions or software as I felt overwhelmed by the sheer volume, but having access to some of the Pearl Lemon tools has made me realise how valuable they can be when producing content.


What I’ve Been Doing

My tasks still include writing for various clients with different requirements and deadlines, but I have also been writing for one of Pearl Lemon’s internal sites. Initially, I thought client writing would still be my favourite form of writing. However, I am finding the internal site writing a lot of fun, especially as the topic is something I did not have prior experience writing about.


Comparing myself and my writing to just last month, I feel so confident about what I am producing and publishing. My writing portfolio grows daily, which I know will only help me in my journey as a writer. 


The Team 

I have recently been promoted in my other job, so timing-wise, the past couple of weeks have been pretty intense for me, but the team are so supportive and always there if I need a helping hand. 


The team are not only incredibly supportive but also a great source of inspiration and education. I am constantly inspired by the talented people I get to work with, and I am learning from them daily. It’s also crazy to think that we are all dotted around the world and yet come together for the sake of creating content for Pearl Lemon. 


I love it. 


Going Forward

Going forward in my Pearl Lemon placement, I aim to keep writing at a high and consistent level. I look forward to my schedule returning to normal after my busy few weeks and providing more and more articles and posts. 


I also have a personal target of improving my optimisation skills, which I can see I am already doing, but I know this is an area I can work on to create better quality content for the team. 


Final Thoughts 


Overall, this month has been a lot more intense for me, but I am so grateful to be surrounded by people who are rooting for me and happy to offer tips when I am overwhelmed. I know I am improving, and seeing this is incredibly rewarding for me, especially in my journey as a writer throughout this process and hopefully afterwards.


Monthly Intern Update 1 – Josephine (Content Writer) Thu, 07 Oct 2021 07:40:24 +0000

Hi everyone, I am Josephine Angela, I am a content writer. I recently joined Pearl lemon, August 7th, so it’s been almost 2 months. And what an eventful two months it’s been. 

My goal when I decided to apply for the content writing internship was to build my portfolio as a writer and possibly even practice writing food-related content. Pearl lemon looked like the best place for me to achieve that goal. 

However, even though I have always loved writing, I have also always been scared to put myself out there in any way that counts.

Pearl-Head of PR  has always believed in me as a writer, and she very ‘lovingly’ (If you know Pearl, you know) suggested that I once and for all challenge my fears, she then proceeded to send me the application link. After much deliberation, I finally garnered enough self-confidence to apply. 

During the trial week, I experienced some of the worst self-doubt and anxiety I have ever felt. I remember staying in my bed the whole day after sending in the last article just beating myself up, thinking I was going to get rejected, and that I wasn’t a good enough writer. 

So it came as a surprise to me the next day that I was accepted. I cried! But not tears of joy, ah, ah. I cried tears of fear!  Why would they choose me!?   

I didn’t know it then, but I am now learning that the beauty of this job is that it has made me face my fears. In just two months, I have had my work reviewed by multiple people that weren’t just my friends and family,  some of my work has also been published.

The validation that this whole writing dream was something I could actually do for real was a whirlwind.

The whole process surprised me in a lot of ways and I found myself writing about things I never thought I would ever write about like diamonds, real estate, forex trading, and even DVC (Which was interesting to find out about). 

Pearl lemon has been a blessing, even on the days, I wanted to quit because I still didn’t think I was good enough. 

Pearl lemon has helped me fight myself and my doubts. I even had the absolute joy to write for Plant Sumo. As a chef in training, being given the opportunity to write about food was a dream come true.

Not to mention, Akhila, Kemi, Pearl, and Celeste have made me feel so at home here. I was and maybe in a lot of ways still am the kind of person that’s terrified of speaking to strangers, let alone have the confidence to speak up and ask for help.  

However, the Pearl lemon team has been super understanding and helpful, even before I ask. 

The feedback and advice I have received from the other writers has been so amazing and very much appreciated. Which was the reason I wanted to work for a company like Pearllemon in the first place. 

I wanted to be around a team that could help me grow as a writer and teach me how to put myself out there more. 

Watching Deepak’s videos online and seeing how he spoke, how he carried himself, how he interacted with the team, how he writes!. To say the least, I was very inspired (intimidated but very inspired)

More than anything, I am looking forward to learning as much as I can from this experience. 

Thank you!


Monthly Intern Update 1 – Kristel (Sales Support) Thu, 16 Sep 2021 12:49:54 +0000 Literally, saying “Hello” to everyone in the world. Kristel here and today, I’m gonna take you on my journey as Back-end Sales Support in Pearl Lemon.  Despite the timezones, the culture, and the languages, here in Pearl Lemon, we live by this quote “We practice what we preach”.

I remember being unemployed because my employer declared bankruptcy in May 2021. I was just so worried about being jobless for days. I’m a single mom of two, and never in my life have I imagined not being able to provide for my kids. It was the afternoon of June 09 2021 when I browsed through a page where I was a member of and found Deepak Shukla posted “Cold caller need for a full-time role”. Without any second thoughts, I grabbed my phone, DMed him, and told him I was pretty interested. 

After a few hours, (I guess he saw my DM when he woke up) finally responded if I could send him a voice note about me. So I sent him a Whatsapp voice note telling him something about me and whew! Just like that, I was invited for an interview. The interview with Deepak was also witnessed by 2 more men (Victroy and Vasco). It was pretty informal, no coat and ties, just good talk. 

I began my career as an Outbound Sales Expert, and the road was really rocky for me for the first month. I know I have been cold calling for years now but I felt like I was a newbie when I started here in Pearl Lemon, zero-knowledge. The traditional way of cold calling, where everything is scripted, is finally broken. I would admit, it was quite hard for me to land an appointment. So Deepak finally decided to give me the support role — which I am enjoying right now. 

With this new role, I do a lot of admin, reporting, phone number scraping, tracking of numbers, checking the quality of calls, transcribing, and pretty much anything that can support the team in a way. I feel more satisfied with the place where I’m at right now, not just because I learned a lot in terms of numbers but also the self-recognition when you start finishing and completing tasks successfully. The most important thing I learned here is, when you love what you do and you’re happy with it, it won’t be too hard for you to welcome new things, new skills, and even realizations. You got to enjoy the ride, and just go with the flow without being hard on yourself.

So let me tell you more about me, I am situated in the heart of Negros Occidental Philippines, in a city called Bacolod, where most happy people we’re born, that’s why it’s called “The City of Smiles”. A single mother of two, a 9-year-old Shanti and a 5-year-old Skye. Mind you – it’s not easy at all. Not everyone is privileged to get financial assistance most especially during this crisis of the Covid Pandemic. When people start asking me about what motivates me, well, this is. You have no room for getting jobless at all! 

It’s been two months now since I joined the team here in Pearl Lemon. Two months of sweet and “roller coaster” kind of experience. Two months of unlearning the old habits and welcome new ideas and learnings. I’d say, tough roads often lead you to beautiful places, and for me, that’s what Pearl Lemon is all about. 

Pearl Lemon has been my bread and butter. I’d say, I am no expert yet, but by taking one step at a time, I will get to my goals in time. By far, Pearl Lemon has dominantly helped me make changes in my life. I was able to move into a more comfortable place for me and the kids. I was able to solve a device issue that used to be a huge pain. This brings food to our table. And somehow, I was able to help my friends get a job too. Pearl Lemon has helped me create a new belief system. A belief that makes you speak your reality into existence. A team that shows evidence that something can be worked out. A leader who speaks about the success of the team comes before him. 










Monthly Placement Update 1 – Neelan (Video Editor) Wed, 01 Sep 2021 23:57:44 +0000  

Hi everyone,

My name is Neelan and I’m a Video Editor here at Pearl Lemon. I am currently in my fifth month as a partner with this company and it’s been a fun experience working with the team. From all the team meetings that I have to communicating on WhatsApp with various members, I can definitely say that I’ve learned a lot throughout my partnership and I look forward to continuing my work with this company. 


One thing new during the week learned


This week, I don’t think I’ve learned anything new, because it’s been the usual. Working on tasks and communicating with the team members. Being a partner with this company during the last few months has been a tremendous learning experience because it has allowed me to understand what it takes to succeed as an individual within Pearl Lemon. For me, working with a team and being able to collaborate on tasks is a fantastic opportunity and I hope to continue that. 



What I would like to do different


I wouldn’t say there’s anything I want to do differently. Overall, working with the team has been a fun experience and I look forward to continuing my work with them. The weekly and individual team meetings are extremely beneficial and these times with the team help me learn more about the company as well as what I can do to improve my knowledge on SEO. Deepak does a tremendous job in helping out everyone on the team understand more about how we can make a mark in the company and the team members that I work with on a daily basis are extremely beneficial. 


What is coming in the next week 


In the next week, I hope to continue with Pearl Lemon and learn more about SEO including YouTube optimization. Some of my tasks include optimizing videos for Plant Sumo, and it’s been a fantastic experience adding in the necessary things so that we can increase awareness on what Plant Sumo is trying to promote. 


  • Meetings with the team to discuss a task that we’re working on
  • Continuing YouTube SEO
  • Friday team meeting
  • Writing the longer blog
Monthly Intern Update 1- Prudence (Content Writer) Fri, 27 Aug 2021 08:58:17 +0000

Hello everyone, this is Prudence Yanzi from the Content Writing team. I don’t know where to start with this one. This internship has been the opportunity that I needed to get out of my comfort zone. I have always wanted to write(songs, ideas, posts on social media, my WhatsApp status); it all counts :).

I didn’t have anywhere to showcase my potential full time; I didn’t have a fundamental learning ground. I found out about this internship through a mutual friend, and the rest is history, considering I’m already here.

My first impression was that this was a fast-paced environment, and I needed to act quick and fast enough to get it. I got accepted a few days later. The acceptance mail had a lot of information. I didn’t know what to expect, but I was open-minded. 

The biggest crime in writing is plagiarism. My first challenge came through; I had to write five articles, which I messed up. Those words from “Pearl Kasirye”, whom I was assigned to, I am disappointed, took me back. I hate disappointments, much less let down another person.

My trial week was a disaster, but I knew better than to quit. I had to redo the assignments, one of them at least. Through that trial week, I learned:

  • It’s not enough to be talented; you need to understand what you are up against.
  • Learnt how to use different software like (Grammarly, Google Apps and extensions, Loom and Websites to source images)
  • Everybody deserves a second chance.
  • Failure doesn’t mean you give up or quit.
  • Take full responsibility for your mistakes and move on.


This question was directed to me about three times, and I had the answer for it.

Pearllemon, first of all, embraced talent from as far as Uganda, where I come from. Everybody was welcoming. I had no idea how emojis can completely change the tone in a text. Quick responses and the checkups from Akhilla-Head of HR contributed much to make me feel wanted.

I was in a company that made me feel comfortable and valuable. When the pandemic started, it put many plans on hold for me. A few weeks before the lockdown, I graduated from university, and my country enforced quarantine restrictions. 

For this internship to show up in my space, it was the best opportunity presented to me at the right time. 


While reading through the training material given to me, I had a chance to read the blogs written by those who had been here way before me. I couldn’t wrap my head around the perfection and articulation these people showcased. But look at me, I’m well on my way doing the most.

When I looked at myself, I did not know how I would ever get to such perfection. It all seemed too professional; I underestimated myself. 

I have since learned that you can achieve much when you put your mind to something. Having an open mind is a must for everybody. 

When I read about Deepak Shukla(CEO of Pearl Lemon), I was amazed by his own story. One thing that stood out for me is that he knew what he wanted and wasted no time working to attain the goal.

lessons to take home:

  • Never be too afraid to take risks. Those who fear stepping into the waters will never know how shallow or deep they are.
  • Smiling is a must. It changes a lot what the person on the other side thinks about you.
  • Speaking tone is essential.
  • Treating people with the utmost respect earns you friends.
  • There’s a first time for everything. Everyone has a chance waiting for them.
  • It doesn’t matter where you are; if you are capable, you will be noticed.
  • Have the skills and expertise, but your character will elevate you to achievements unthought of.
  • Have an open mind; there’s always something new to learn every day.
  • You are your cheerleader. Working remotely has taught me that motivation will never come from anyone else apart from you.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions.
  • Teamwork is the best way to achieve successful results.
  • Lastly and most importantly, never forget to smile.

My first month at Pearllemon has yielded so many results that I didn’t think I could reach. I have learnt so much in this one month. I have taken on challenges and set some goals for the next coming months.

I love it here at PL, and I can’t wait for the next chapter; I’m anticipating what I have to gain, it’s not the most leisurely journey, but I’m glad I took on the challenge. 

