Today is December 29 and odd enough in saying it will be the last blog post of the year. It has been an “abnormal” week to say the least for me. This is mostly due to having 2.5 days off this week, 2 for holidays and the other half for health. Nonetheless still a productive holiday based week.

This week’s work focus:

It is very strange for me to have such a short work week. A rest is nice, but it also makes me restless. Working provides a good escape for mMandy in a sense, I like keeping busy and am horrible at resting unless im sick.

I am excited to be rested and be fully geared up for tomorrow as a start to a new week and start cracking down on tasks more efficiently again.

Due to being such a short time working this week, I am allotting extra work hours today. Sundays usually serve as my “rest day” and I tend to work 4  hours rather than my typical daily 6-7. In light of that this means this blog post will have more personal items than work.

I have been on the search for a crafty outlet lately. I used to do stained glass work, wood carving, basket weaving, quilting, writing, painting, ceramics and well anything else I deemed crafty and that would hold my attention for a few weeks before I got bored and changed gears.

This week I have been learning felting, been doing a gem by number (think paint by number, but instead they are tiny little gems that are color coordinated on a sticky mat), and taking back up cross stitching.

(Wrangler-my not so bad attempt at a new craft)

I have also been doing alot of reflecting this week. Thinking about different paths I have walked the last few years and how looking back from the time I turned 17 to now at 23.5 has been turbulent and full of adventure. Looking at a few of these :

I look forward to this upcoming year though. Milestones aplenty and I am full of excitement and promise.

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