I want to start out this 5th post a little different than my normal. I am a “completionist”, I like doing things for reason or for achievements. Which has led me to an interesting path of accomplishments for a 23 year old, but what also ultimately brought me to Pearl Lemon.

To rattle off what I can remember:

All of these circle-back to Pearl Lemon though because if I don’t feel like there is a point of achievement or pride in what I do, I simply won’t do it. Even the simplicity of a participation medal for a race. So the ultimate goal of wanting to be officially full-time at the end of a partnership creates a large internal fire for me.

I found Pearl Lemon over AngelList, the creation of the profile was a requirement as a partner at Braathe Enterprises. When I found the company page and position listings it hit a trigger point beyond my need to be remote….it allowed for a certain bragging point.

I am second born…of seven…. My eldest sister is currently 25 (2 years older than me) and the twins are the youngest about to turn 11 ( 12.5 years younger than me). There is a high degree of competition for attention and bragging rights. My older sister is working on her Master’s, I am following next and my next youngest sister will be doing the same.

I brag about what I do and who I do it for a lot. I am the black-sheep hippy child in the family, so being able to say I do something so drastically different than the rest of the family is a huge pride spot for me. This makes it very easy for me to file Pearl Lemon as an achievement for me. Which is also why I love it beyond continual learning.

Buuuttt….now to rein it back in to more of a weekly update and a look into this week as a Partner.

This week has felt…okay… back to balancing school time, work time, and finding precious free time to do de-stressing activities. Pearl Lemon items include:

Today will be a busier Sunday, but it is welcomed:

If I have time for more, I will do more. But given yesterday I spent a lot of time on only two tasks, although those were well done, I like being able to clear out lists. So, 8 items to knock out in under 7 hours feels very doable and a mid-day break to take my little out in the snow again.

Rocking about 30 hour class weeks. So, I have to be mindful of my time everywhere else to avoid burnout. Prior to today my tracked hours for PL land at 33 hours, so 7 puts me at 40 for the week, but my weeks tend to never fall below 35.

That is all on today’s note. More next Sunday. 🙂

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