Hi again, everyone!

Reporting back from another busy week, both Pearl Lemon related and otherwise.

To start off the week, I had a call with Federica to discuss the Italian version of Kemistri. She’ll be able to communicate in Italian and speak more relevantly to the Italian market. We went over the main points of Linkedin lead generation, how to set up a Linkedin Sales Nav. campaign, and how to write a great opening and follow up message to really capture attention. I also took her through my Google Doc with all the essential logins and tips that I’ve compiled, so hopefully that will make things easier for her than I found it in the beginning!

Linkedin messaging targeted for Italy.

I also made quite a few adjustments to the Linkedin campaigns that I am running for Kemistri and Pearl Lemon Leads, although I am still not finished and plan on adjusting those further in the coming week to gain some more growth. Although I made some progress on the campaigns, it was hampered a bit because some calls fell through, perhaps due to poor verification on my end, and the lack of a sales person for a couple days, meaning that I did not have a calendar to book anyone into. Despite this, I will strive to make a more productive week coming up. We also got a new caller, Adham, who I am excited to start working with! Additionally, I got feedback on my presentation and will be revising that to fit the criteria a bit more, which I think will be useful in training new partners/employees.

Adham’s (our new caller) calendar!

A huge task this week has been that of video course content creation. Fares and I have been working on taking all of Dee’s old, and new, speeches, seminars, and videos and chopping them up, editing them, and putting subtitles on them. I have enjoyed having another task beside lead gen and have also enjoyed working with some other people on the team. 🙂 Although this task has taken up much more time than I expected, I am learning a lot by going through all of Dee’s videos so thoroughly!

Video editing before transcribing.

Outside of Pearl Lemon, I have been bogged down with quite a bit of class work. I am in one of the toughest parts of my course (comparative politics), and the reading and writing is quite loaded, but time management skills are definitely becoming a priority and I hope to be developing some good ones! Additionally, I have ended and begun additional partnerships this week, which is making timing a bit tricky, but I know I can focus and pull it off.

Books I’m currently reading for class.

I think that will be all for this update! I’ll be anticipating our next chat/type and read, haha. 🙂

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