
I just finished my first week at Pearl Lemon, and it was definitely a busy week! I was hired as the digital marketing partner for the new SEO auditing tool with white label features called SERPwizz.

I received news this week that SERPwizz is ready to be tested internally. We are expecting to fully launch within the next month, but still need to do work on the development and content end (code and design). In the meantime, I will be working diligently on pre-launch marketing techniques.

After learning things about growth hacking, marketing, Saas tools, and SEO that I never would have thought about before, I began my pre-launch marketing journey. One of the many things I learned this week is that there are tons of groups out there (Facebook, REDDIT, Linkedin) that are great for asking for feedback, promoting your new Saas, and asking for advice! I have already posted about SERPwizz on two subreddits, and have received feedback on SERPwizz’s landing page and got a comment from an interested SEO agency! I just wish SERPwizz would be ready for launch so that I would have something to offer those interested!

I have also been managing SERPwizz’s social media pages including Facebook, Instagram, and Linkedin. On top of this, I have been posting the landing page and information about SERPwizz on sites like product hunt and indie hackers. Listing on more directories and popular Saas websites is something I need to focus on for sure!

One thing I would like to do differently is becoming more organized! My tasks are far and wide-ranging and I am all over the place. Making a spreadsheet with tasks, outcomes, and links would be very beneficial for me.

I have already started compiling a list of leads for SERPwizz using Linkedin Sales Navigator. Next week, I will continue with the leads list and will be starting a Mailshake email campaign to send out to those potential leads in hopes of getting some leads to sign up for early access to SERPwizz. It can’t hurt to send out some emails to agencies that could greatly benefit from our software!

Life as an partner at Pearl Lemon is so different than life was a week ago! Of course, this is in a good way. Right away, I am confronted with tons of tasks, all of which are extremely important to the marketing success of SERPwizz. Most important for me is making time for everything including friends, family, working out, and marketing SERPwizz!

On a side note, I recently achieved a new max bench of 260lbs! I developed a value that if I could focus all of my attention and energy on one task, everything else will be “FIRST CLASS”. Basically, it became clear really quickly that when I’m working out, work should be about a million miles away from my mind. Similarly, when I’m working, the gym and sports should be a million miles away from my mind. This has been working great for me!

To recap the week, some of the digital marketing tasks I have been working on include

I’m looking forward to the week ahead, and am excited to start sending out those cold emails! Until next week!

-Ben: SERPwizz Digital Marketing Executive

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