Hello everyone,

I hope you’re doing well and staying safe😷

As for me – what a busy week behind me! As I am starting to write, it is currently 11:28pm on a Sunday, but I guess we can’t really choose when inspiration strikes. Although it might have to do with the fact that my family was visiting me in London the entire week and I did not really have the time to sit down and do it earlier😅 I’ll try to distract from that by showing this cute picture I took at a cosy, new coffee shop I found in Greenwich:

This week has overall felt really amazing. The first two days I was feeling a bit overwhelmed since I can struggle with breaking down bigger tasks into smaller ones and focusing on one thing at a time. I had my first team meeting on Monday and felt perhaps a bit intimidated – how come all these people know so much?! On the other side of that coin, however, every loom I watched about the work processes of other team members, has taught me something new about either marketing, organisation, or motivation!

Therefore, motivated by the above-mentioned discovery of how competent everybody was, on Tuesday I focused on studying MVP and quant-based marketing, which turned out to be very helpful in terms of how I perceived the tasks ahead of me. I also set up this very partner blog profile!😁 On that very same day, I have learned how to use mailshake, findthatlead, and clearout.io. If you’ve read my previous post, you know the insane learning curve I mentioned there, and this has definitely not changed this week!

Thankfully, that tide of feeling intimated has changed after having an unexpected call with the design team on Wednesday morning (okay, it might have been 11:30am, but I’d say this still qualifies as “morning”…). It really helped me grasp the priorities and the vibe that we want ResumeCats to have, and gave me a very direct sense of what I should be working on. Mostly, the team at inkyy asked for any and all feedback on the officially, publicly launched website🎉 This has definitely become the main task of the week for me – watching through looms, reading through documents and neatly combining it into a spreadsheet.

As I mentioned in the last post, I also hoped to try to reach out for help more. Here’s how that went:

Perhaps, for this reason, I felt a lot more at ease during this week’s team meeting on Friday!

So what do I want to improve next week? Hopefully, there will be less running around like a headless chicken and more trusting the process, as well as focusing on specific smaller tasks at a time. I have to tell myself that while it’s easy to get overwhelmed, there are people here to help and at the end of the day, it’s always better to try and make mistakes than to not even try at all! There you have the weekly pearl of wisdom from me🤩

Additionally, I have some tasks in my Trello that I was hoping to do for A WHILE now, as well as these forever-open tabs on my laptop, which I keep pushing the date of completion for, so I definitely want to sort them out at the beginning of this week. New week, a fresh start and a brand new organised Paula. Well, I’m saying that now, but we’ll see what the next update brings😆

I am incredibly excited to start the upcoming week in general – who would’ve thought working would become the highlight of my day, huh? With my family flying home, and my roommate coming back, the main working space in my flat will be back in operation!🥳 It might serve as a nice distraction from missing my family as well. Furthermore, I am hoping to see the feedback being slowly implemented on the website because it is very exciting to see the results of your work actually being carried out!

All this considered, I would like to thank you for reading and I hope to see you next week!

