Hello everyone, I’m back again and very excited to share my experiences at Pearl Lemon. This is the partner update blog for week 13.

Today 07th August 2020 is the Day 119, I’ve been a part of Pearl Lemon as an partner. The time has been flying away and now I enter week 13 in my journey as a Marketing Partner at Pearl Lemon.

This week was very energetic after taking Sunday off and I got many tasks done and learnt some interesting things too. I am now really enjoying researching, I worked on a couple of more researches, one is regarding Life Time Deals for an automation tool and another is a Keyword research regarding UK based lawyers.

Coming to the actual tasks, as usual, I worked on the regular everyday tasks- managing emails, organising leads and funnelling emails from job boards. Apart from these, I worked on creating and organising a master sheet for content writers, this was also a kind of research too, as I had to compare all the tabs to copy, classify and organise entries to facilitate a master sheet for the content team to keep a track on the writeups.

Last Sunday Dee, attached me to the Atit & Mo, the SEO guys to work on link building and outreach, as apart of that I read many blogs and now I can definitely answer some good questions on link building, one of the major aspects of SEO.

Ben, Paula and I, if you didn’t know the other two we are the SaaS marketers and are now working together and sharing all the knowledge for growing the SaaS Products- SERPWIZZ, ResumeCats and WordPigeon.

The Pearl Lemon Softwares as Service

Will update you about SERPWIZZ and ResumeCats soon. You should be knowing WordPigeon now if you have been following my updates blogs.

Apart from all the work, Dee took time in his hectic schedule and gave us ‘the entire Partner team’ strong feedback about verbal skills and encouraged us to improve on the weak links. Also had meetings with the writing team, SaaS team, Atit the SEO guy and the a-lister Lydia about work updates and some good learnings, after all, new learnings every week is mandatory working with Pearl Lemon.

Well, that’s it for this week, I touched all the divisions and teams of Pearl lemon from my couch. Catch you next Friday, until then stay safe and will keep posting further updates (TJ at Pearl Lemon)


— TJ

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