Hello everyone, I’m back again and very excited to share my experiences at Pearl Lemon. Today 02nd October 2020 is the Day 175, I’ve been a part of Pearl Lemon as an partner, and this is partner update blog, for week 21.

This week has been too quick than what I expected it to be, quite productive though I had to deal with some personal things.

Firstly let’s do a recap of what I did this week at work.

The routine, I worked on managing emails & drift, organising leads and verifying and aggregating the scrapped emails to facilitate the inbound email marketing campaign and a few other admin tasks like reporting leads, links & mentions and sorting some sheets.

Every Monday from now I would be auditing Quora accounts of the writing team members and I can now say that it is a weekly routine for me.

As told last week I wrote my first answer on Quora, I can definitely say that- I wrote an answer in a hurry just to mention the screenshot here and stay accountable (I’m not satisfied with this action) but I have at least started writing and I definitely wanna keep the streak.

Coming to the new tasks I worked this week include,

  1. Walked through Lydia’s YouTube SEO training module, learnt new things and suggested some add-ons.
  2. Redeemed few Pitchground purchases and working on redeeming few other deals.
  3. Did a new keyword analysis for ‘B2B Lead Generation Agency.
  4. Analysed backlinks of few competitors and working on new strategies to get linked back.
  5. Worked with Federica on a couple of Plant Sumo tasks, if still don’t know what Plant Sumo is- it is Dee’s venture into a completely Vegan F&B service.

Well, Plantsumo is designed to make eating plants easier for everyone (at least in London).

I never thought Vegan food would look so beautiful, but the Chef Salim is supremely talented though, I have been following up since the inception of Plant Sumo.

I tracked and maintained the streak well, similar to last week I worked on being consistent with the everyday work hours on Clockify, I managed to keep it 05+ hours a day and most of them were 06 hours a day, this week.

Something I learnt this week was- how to utilise Google Calendar for productivity, I scheduled the days for a whole month and I shared it with my accountability partner (obviously to stay accountable), will keep posted about the success of this new hack in coming blogs.

Well, that’s it for this week. Catch you next Friday, until then stay safe and will keep posting further updates (TJ at Pearl Lemon)


— TJ

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