Hi everyone! 


It’s Week 3 at Pearl Lemon! 


Officially spent more than 3 months with this amazing group SEO  crackheads!


This was pretty much the same old; lot’s of writing and video editing. 


SInce Serpwizz is the works by the development team, I have started writing again and resumed meetings with Chris. In case you don’t remember, Chris is our writing coach and he is one of the best mentors I have had!

Dee also redirected a very interesting guest post writing opportunity to me –  a 2000 word article on the Reverse Image Search o Generate High-Quality Backlinks. 


It’s been a while since I’ve written technical articles and writing on reverse image search has been a very fun throwback! I am almost halfway through and should be done within the next week! 


Since Fares left, I assumed the responsibility to upload the video course content on Dee’s Teachable. While it’s fun, it’s also a very long and lengthy process since you need to export each video from Happy Scribe, design the thumbnail on Canva and make the course info available. 


I have also resumed writing on Medium. Last time I spent a decent amount of time behind it was months back and until my call with Chris, I didn’t realise how much I missed it. This week I am hoping to roll out more articles and content and get back in the writing game! 


This week I couldn’t attend the team meeting since I was down with a fever, but from what I heard from everyone on the team on the group chat after, turns out everyone had a very productive week! 


Onto the next one, cheers! 

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