Ain’t no party like a PR party!


This week has definitely taken a positive shift towards PR. I feel like Deepak and Heather are at the bow of the Pequod and I’m just on the deck trying to slosh out water.


They’re taking serious leads and bounds in the right direction and I’m trying my best to keep up.


If I had one thing to improve upon for next week (which I’ll bring up in the meeting) it would be being more ‘on’ at all times. Usually, I’m pretty good at this but have had some personal life stuff going on and have been regularly waking up to 30+ messages to get through which obviously puts me a bit behind.


That being said, at the start of the week I had a good chance to catch up on a potential brand (Clarin’s) that we were pitching our PR services to. This also led to another first – helping to create a slide deck presentation.


This has quickly morphed into doing some general research for another potential client and so that we can start coming up with a PR strategy.




Hopefully, I can get my teeth into that and continue to support Heather. It does mean pitching (which was on pause anyway for one of our clients) also needs to be drawn back up with lots of things like email campaigns and launches going on simultaneously. It’s a lot of balls in the air.


I’ve been chugging along on a new PR guide as well which is cool to have another go at some long-form content. This one will be about reputation management with Tannishtha simultaneously doing one on crisis management. 


We’ve conferred about our topics and hopefully, we won’t overlap. I don’t think this will be a problem as there looks to be more than enough to talk about (certainly on my end).



I’ve also handed off some process tasks to another partner on trial which I think was a smart move to free up my time to be more productive in an ongoing push to not ‘dwell’ on tasks too much. I’ll be checking over her work today before the team meeting.


In other news, only one more week until we’re out of lockdown (and back into ‘only’ tier systems). A session at the pub is well in order after a busy month.


And then it’s almost Christmas! I’ve started doing some shopping for it but who knows what it’ll be like. Maybe we’ll even get a white Christmas with our first proper cold frost today when I took the dog out for a walk.


I also smashed out a 3k piece for Pearl Lemon Properties for an ongoing task which hopefully some other partners will pick up some slack from – this I think will end up being a back-burner sort of priority as not a lot seems to be happening with the properties arm just yet.


 I don’t think it was ever going to get finished (30 articles in 30 days or something?), so it’d be good to have a couple of extras hands tapping away at keyboards on that one.


For next week, I guess we’ll just have to see where our PR efforts get us and keep pushing until Christmas! Until then. 

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