The story started
About Celeste 's Experience!
Hello Everyone!
I will be sharing my experience with Pearl Lemon Group as a virtual member in America.
I have only been working with Pearl Lemon Group for three months, but it has been packed with numerous learning opportunities.

My daily work schedule and mindset have changed from month to month, and I expect them to continue to evolve throughout my time with the company.
To give a little background about myself, I will be graduating from college in 2022. A year ago, when COVID-19 hit, I was losing momentum. I chose to be a virtual student, and because of that decision, my school took away all my leadership opportunities. They wanted a leader who would be attending school in person.
I was heartbroken because it felt like I was being punished for putting my safety first. I picked myself up and began looking for virtual internship opportunities.
I found an opportunity that changed my life where I ventured into digital marketing, SEO, and content writing.
I wasn’t interested in any of these fields, but that internship prepared me to work with Pearl Lemon Group.
I applied for a position at Pearl Lemon Group and never expected to be offered the opportunity because it seemed too advanced. I was just a student in America applying for this international SEO agency that seemed out of my league.
A few months later, they wanted to interview me, and I still kept an open mind that I might not make it past the interview or the trial week.
Of all the roles Pearl Lemon Group had to offer, I did not want to be a content writer. Writing was my weakest subject throughout my whole life, no matter how hard I tried.
But then I told the HR manager, who was interviewing me – “I am open to any positions you have because I want to learn.”
That statement is true because now is my time to learn, even to find out if I don’t like a specific field. I’d rather know my likes and dislikes sooner than later.
So when Pearl Lemon Group told me that they needed content writers, I saw this as an opportunity to overcome one of my biggest insecurities. Of course, I was beyond scared and knew that I most likely wouldn’t keep up.
They offered me a role as a content writer, and that is where my journey with Pearl Lemon Group began.
Month 1

My first month was considered a trial month. I was excited to be offered the position, but I still felt like I was not good enough. A part of me was also determined enough to prove that I am willing to grow.
I won’t lie and say that the first month was easy because it wasn’t. The founder and many heads of departments were based in Europe while I was in America.
The time zone difference was more challenging than I thought. I never struggled with getting things done on time, but any feedback given to me was sent before I woke up.
Starting each day with all this feedback was challenging for me. I wouldn’t eat breakfast and would try to fix everything as soon as possible. I started to dread waking up because I focused on becoming a better writer and felt like I was making no progress.
I finally asked for a video from the head of content to show me what I needed to improve on, which changed my writing more than I was ever taught in school. I was able to see what she was seeing and was able to make better edits.
I could even apply her feedback towards my school assignments, where I made improvements in all of my classes.
Now that I understood my pattern of mistakes, I was able to fix them while writing.
The first month was a struggle, but the head of content noticed my potential and allowed me to redeem myself.
Pearl, the head of content, is the main reason I grew these past months, and I am fortunate enough to be given this opportunity.
Month 2

Entering my second month was a lot better. I knew what I needed to work on, and I knew how to improve my mistakes. I was writing better and even accepted a second task.
I started recording software review videos and was finally able to create a daily routine. I recorded 2 videos each day and wrote content daily.
I started feeling more connected with the team, but it was still challenging since I was in school and couldn’t attend the weekly meetings.
During my second month, my goal was to make positive adjustments. I started changing my morning routine for more motivation and energy. I balanced work, life, and school. By the end of my second month, I felt a lot better, and in the next month, I finally got to go to team meetings.
Month 3

By my third month, I was finally able to take in all the benefits of Pearl Lemon Group. The Pearl Lemon Group team not only wants you to improve in your role, but they want you to improve in your day-to-day life.
We have learned how to be more productive, create new habits, and numerous tools for our devices. Being a remote team based worldwide, I never expected a virtual team to be so eager to improve. I expected everyone to just stick to their roles, and that’s it. But at Pearl Lemon Group, things don’t get done if we don’t ask for help.
During the week and team meetings, members will share pieces about their lives, making me feel closer to them. I get to hear everyone’s dreams, and being around these people pushes me to be a better person.
In the 3rd month, I have started to read, improve my productivity, and improve my focus.
These skills are not limited to working with Pearl Lemon Group, but I have applied them to school and my daily lifestyle.
Life at Pearl Lemon Group
Life at Pearl Lemon Group represents growth.
Finishing my third month, I have incorporated Pearl Lemon Group with my stay-at-home life. A day will now consist of making and eating breakfast before I even check my phone and emails.
Once I have eaten, I check messages while sleeping since most of the team is awake. I then check my emails for any extra tasks I need to complete and add them to my schedule.
I spend the 4 hours before lunch writing content and making software review videos. After lunch, I focus on cleaning and running errands. If all household items are finished, I try to work as much as possible before dinner because I want to send my end of the day before dinner.
I am a lot happier now.
I feel connected with more team members, I am not as nervous or worried, and I finally feel a part of the Pearl Lemon Group family.
Pearl Lemon Group is the most unique environment I have worked in. It is not just a place of work it is a place to improve. The team members and Deepak want you to improve, and they encourage you to grow. There are always new challenges because it wouldn’t be a place of growth if there weren’t.
Final Thoughts
Not everyone will have the same experience as me. Some people may be quicker to adjust, while others might take longer.
If there is any piece of advice, I would say that you’re not alone. It may feel like it because, as a team, we jump on zoom once a week, but everyone is eager to help.
If you are struggling, you can let someone know because every member wants to help. We all go through overwhelming days, and the only way we get through it is by asking for help.
Pearl Lemon Group may not be for everyone because the work environment is unique, but it is the place for growth. There is always something to learn from every team member, and I would recommend anyone to take that leap.