Hey all! Today marks my final day with the Pearl Lemon team – an unforgettable experience both as a designer and as a person. I’ve learned a lot, especially during a period of uncertainty and harsh times, I know I can be productive and gain some knowledge whilst in a business environment.
Not only was I able to learn things myself, I couldn’t have done it without the support of the team and Deepak. I’ve met some great people along the way and being a part of a tight-knit group really made me feel comfortable with feedback and suggestions, and of course the goodwill of my colleagues during the time I was ill. I was really able to enhance my technical and soft skills as a result – such as learning WordPress and a bit of Shopify, improving my existing knowledge on Photoshop, Adobe XD and Sketch for Mac. Not only do I recommend being a part of the programme as a designer, but also for anyone who wishes to learn more about any of the roles involved. I also had a taste of some SEO tasks and building FAQs and write-ups for our new SaaS products such as SERPWizz and ResumeCats.
My most notable experience would have to be the new Pearl Lemon partnership site, which I’m proud to have made for any future partner looking to work with us – a long-term project which I’ve spent many hours on and still to this very final day! I hope it’ll prove useful to the team for many months to come. As well as that, Daylee, an upcoming calendar booking service, gets a special mention as it’s a project I’ve been designing since my trial week – which the team is very happy with and glad to have received feedback from. Can’t wait to see how that will turn out!
To wrap up, I’d like to say thank you to Deepak, and the team for giving me the opportunity to work with them and develop myself as a better person, and of course, hopefully we get to cross paths again in the future!
Thank you for reading 🙂