The story started
About Kaushal's Experience!
Hey All,
I am Kaushal Prajapati, Head of Design at Pearl Lemon Group. It’s been a couple of years since I am working with Pearl Lemon and today I am going to share my experience till now starting from my application to now! So let’s get straight into it! 🙃
Application and selection process
My story with Pearl Lemon is quite different!
I have applied for a Graphic Designer post in September 2019 and I didn’t make it to get my job here at Pearl Lemon. 😔
Then in January 2020, I have seen the opening for the Web and Graphic Designer at Pearl Lemon and I have applied for it as I have experience with both Web and Graphics! 🤓
And this time after a reviewing my experience and work they have decided to give me this job (the process is quite fast and very simple!) and from the 1st February 2020 I have started working with Pearl Lemon and decided to join this program for the next 3 months and then they said that will review your work and decide your future with Pearl Lemon 🍋.
1-3 Months
This is a very crucial and interesting time whenever and wherever you start working because in this time you will get the most amount of the pressure, workloads and at the same time you learn so many new things.
The same thing happened with me as well! 😜
I have got multiple tasks in the first week of my program and I am like what to do, how to handle these all tasks and finish them all before the deadline ☠️😵 but the team members and the founder/CEO ( Deepak Shukla) helped me a lot and they all are very supportive and ready to help me all the time! Which is a very nice thing in any company.
From the first month, Deepak told me to find all the design and user experience faults/issues and told me to fix all the issues and make the user flow easy for the viewers.
That time we have around 4-5 main websites running and I started working on them all one by one and start improving things on it. I have tried and fixed all websites in the first 3 months 😃 .
After 3 Months
After 3 months Deepak offered me a full-time position as Head of Design at Pearl Lemon and I am like, Woohoo 🎉
When I joined the company in 2020, that time we are only 4-5 people in the internal team and today we are 50+!
I have seen growth in the company and more importantly in myself.
I was getting nervous to talk with anybody and today I am leading calls with Clients.
In these 2+ years of my journey, I have worked with so many different kinds of industries. I have worked on website redesigning to get the websites live from scratch to resolve issues on websites to improve the scores and speed of websites to design complete dashboards for tools.
I still can’t that we have worked on 45+ (by the time you read this there will be more added to this list) websites and tools/saas applications! 🤯 💥
We have a good team of designers and developers, let me introduce them here:
Yelena – Designer, who designs websites and tools
Ali – Developer, who help us to fix issues and improve the speed of websites and develop some plugins
Anushka – Designer, who is our newly hired intern and she is working on designs for websites and tools
I have got featured on a couple of websites as well:

I have recorded many training videos (this is very new for me as I haven’t recorded any kind of videos/tutorials or not even trained before!) for future designers about How the design team work, how we think and design something at Pearl Lemon, how we set up a WordPress from Scratch with Pearl Lemon standards, how to make changes on all internal websites, etc…
My experience with Pearl lemon so far is nothing but freaking roller coaster rides 😂 , don’t assume that I am saying it in a bad way, It’s sooooo much good.
I have learned many new and different things (and still learning every day), have seen a major change in my personal life as well!