The story started

About Kya's Experience!

Hi! My name is Kya, and I am thrilled to share my incredible journey as a content writer at Pearl Lemon. Over the past few months, I have had the privilege of working alongside a team of exceptionally talented individuals who have not only honed my skills but also provided me with an invaluable platform to showcase my creativity.

As of May 2023, I have been working for Pearl Lemon as a content writer for 3 months. I joined at the start of March this year, and since then, I have already gained invaluable skills.

For those who don’t know me, I am a 21-year-old based in Cape Town, South Africa. I am in my third year at the University of Cape Town, majoring in Law and Film and Television Studies. Whenever I tell people this, they are surprised because it is not often that you hear this combination of majors! However, I am passionate about both of these paths, so I thought, why not. What these majors have in common, especially Law, is that they require a significant amount of time spent writing essays upon essays; yes, Film Studies requires writing too! That’s why I thought that applying for the content writer position at Pearl Lemon would be perfect for me because I love writing and want to strengthen my skills in this area.

For months prior to March, I had been struggling to find the right job for me that would fit my study schedule, however, I could still not find anything. I really wanted to find a job before June, because I wanted to save enough money of my own to spend on my three-week Europe tour. One lucky day I found Pearl Lemon advertised on LinkedIn and was ecstatic because it was remote and offered a position in what I love to do. It also ran on a flexible schedule, meaning it would not interfere with my studies. 

As part of my application process, I had to write 5 service pages and blogs to assess my writing skills. After a week, I was thrilled to get the position and could not wait to start!

Month 1

I have to admit my first month at Pearl Lemon was quite overwhelming; however, the team welcomed me with open arms. It was my trial month, so I wanted to do my best to make it through. From the moment I joined Pearl Lemon, I knew I had found a company that truly values its employees. The onboarding process was seamless, and the team made sure I felt welcomed and supported right from day one. They took the time to understand my strengths, goals, and aspirations and tailored my responsibilities accordingly.

After my training, I was assigned to start writing content. In the first month, I had the opportunity to showcase my writing skills and creativity. The content team entrusted me with crafting engaging, informative, and SEO-friendly content for a variety of clients. They encouraged me to think outside the box, experiment with different writing styles, and explore unique angles to captivate the readers. 

As I applied for a part-time position, I had to write 3 blogs or service pages over 1000 words each day. I was used to writing a lot in my university essays, so I was not worried about that. However, I had never written blogs and service pages, so it took me a while to get used to it. It was especially difficult to get used to the format, and finding research for the topics took up most of my time. However, the content team was very encouraging and welcoming and introduced me to some AI tools that helped me significantly.

After a few weeks, I was slowly starting to get used to the workload and was finishing my work much faster. I was already learning so much in the first few weeks. I had to write about topics such as marketing and SEO, which I had little to no knowledge of before joining Pearl Lemon. I was first assigned to write AI blogs for Pearl Lemon Games, Pearl Lemon Accountants, Slacktually, and Gmailfiend. The information that I had to research for these pages was interesting, and I can now say that I am an expert in these topics because I’ve written about them so much!

I got important and helpful feedback from the content team, especially Joanne and Vibha, who have been my saviours in grace throughout this process! I was grateful that I made it past the trial month, and I took the feedback I received to my second month, where I tried to improve more in my writing capabilities.

Month 2

I felt much more confident in my writing by the second month. I was used to the workload and the format of the blogs I had to write.

I also transitioned into writing service pages and blogs, which were a bit challenging because I had to get used to a new format. The content team provided me with invaluable guidance on keyword research, on-page optimisation techniques, and best practices for creating service-focused content that ranks well in search engine results.

Working on service pages has taught me the importance of effective storytelling and persuasive copywriting. I learned to emphasise the client’s unique value propositions, incorporate compelling calls-to-action, and create a seamless user experience that guided visitors towards conversion. 

It was starting to feel weird (in a good way) to see the pages I wrote posted online. It felt surreal, and I felt proud of myself for improving in my writing and even more grateful to Pearl Lemon for providing me with this rewarding experience.

Month 3

We have now come to month 3, and I can’t believe I made it this far!

Throughout this month, I have also had the opportunity to deepen my knowledge and refine my skills in specific areas of content writing. One aspect that has been particularly exciting is learning how to incorporate persuasive storytelling techniques into my writing. It’s incredible how a well-crafted story can captivate readers and leave a lasting impact. With the guidance from the Pearl Lemon team, I’ve been able to explore different storytelling methods and experiment with weaving narratives into my content to create a stronger connection with the audience.

Crafting attention-grabbing headlines has been an aspect that I’ve always found intriguing, and Pearl Lemon has helped me take it to the next level. They’ve shared techniques and best practices to create headlines that not only capture the readers’ attention but also effectively convey the essence of the content. It’s amazing how a well-crafted headline can compel readers to dive deeper into an article or blog post.

After numerous meetings throughout the month with the team on how to improve my writing, I believe I have strengthened my writing skills which has also significantly helped me improve in my university essays.

Final Thoughts

One of the most rewarding aspects of being a content writer at Pearl Lemon is the trust and autonomy I was given. I was encouraged to take ownership of my projects, conduct thorough research, and present unique perspectives. 

The team valued my ideas and contributions, providing me with the freedom to explore my creativity while ensuring that I met the client’s objectives and maintained the high standards set by Pearl Lemon.

Throughout my three months at Pearl Lemon, the support and mentorship I received from the team were remarkable. They were always available to answer my questions, provide constructive feedback, and offer guidance when needed. The open and collaborative culture at Pearl Lemon created an environment where I felt comfortable seeking help and continuously improving my skills.

To anyone seeking a fulfilling and rewarding career as a content writer, I wholeheartedly recommend joining Pearl Lemon. The opportunities for growth, the supportive work environment, and the chance to work with an exceptional team of professionals make it a truly remarkable place to be. 

Thank you, Pearl Lemon, for the incredible journey and for helping me become the best content writer I can be. I hope to grow even more with you!