Hi everyone, 

This is my long overdue blog update! 

It has been a while, so let’s get started. 

Since my last update, I have been taking regular Friday team meetings. For each team meeting, I have learned something new on SEO. The next important part is to implement what I have learned into the work I do. For example, I have begun using POP (page optimizer pro) before completing an article. It gives me a good idea of what keywords I should use in the article. In this case, I have been writing regular articles for SerpwizzSome of these are based on SEO variations, whilst others have been on their tools. This includes domain age checker or URL link checker. It looks something like this. 

I apologize for the poor quality but hopefully, you get the picture.

The Serpwizz tool checker requires further research. After the research, you have to put it in your words so that anyone can understand it. More importantly, you have to learn how you can sell the tool to your audience. Factors such as phrasing your sentences better come into play. The past week has been challenging. I had two surgeries on my legs a few weeks ago and I have had to cope with the after-effects. It has been a new experience for sure. 

Here are three factors that I have begun learning about. 


  1. Optimizing content 
  2. Implementing positive grammar changes
  3. Tailoring my learning


These factors are my goals as well. For example, my goal is to learn how to write SEO-friendly content for the web. I feel like it’s an ongoing process, but step by step, I will get there. I use this approach for anything I write. This includes blogs from any topic on the internet. I run a film blog on the side, it just adds to the writing process and it’s great practice. The other side of the equation is grammar. Having Grammarly installed makes life a bit easier, but it’s important to understand the changes that Grammarly suggests. 

 Tailoring my learning starts with the Pearl Lemon youtube channel. There are countless training videos covering various topics surrounding SEO, lead generation, and a lot more. The videos that cover SEO and how it works on written content are the ones that I want to pay attention to. 

If you want to have a read, click here 😉


My number one tip for anyone working remotely is to get fresh air when you can. Just putting on a pair of headphones and listening to music while walking is a great way to reflect on your work and relax. You then come back to your desk more refreshed and energized. For each training video, taking the time to listen to what is being said and implementing those learnings into your work is what I want to do. My goal for the weeks ahead is to listen to the key terms being said in a team meeting or a training video and gradually work them into my content. 


My content will start to improve week by week. It’s still nice to have my work published on Serpwizz 🙂



That’s my main goal and I will work on that for all upcoming content tasks. 


That’s it for now. 





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