The story started

About Reynell's Experience!

I’m Reynell, a game developer at Pearl Lemon. It’s been more than 3 months since I started as a game developer.

Before becoming a game developer, I was a CNC programmer with more than six years in total and stopped working in the midst of the pandemic. I stopped working for more than 2 years due to personal reasons.

The day that I decided to look for a job, I had this in mind: I would look for a career that would be more challenging and enjoyable at the same time, as changing career paths is my goal, and then I found Pearl Lemon, as I don’t have experience in game development. I was hesitant in applying for the position at first, but since I have nothing to lose and I wanted the job, I applied, and then I received a message that I was accepted.

My professional life has changed dramatically after I joined Pearl Lemon. I have been able to jump right into the field of game creation thanks to the company’s unique and dynamic atmosphere. I was thrown into a fun project right away that tested my abilities and encouraged me to progress as a developer.

Currently, we are making progress in developing the game, which is almost done.