Our PARTNERS Testimonials
“This really has been a great experience for me. I learned from Deepak’s expertise and developed better copy writing and a bigger professional network. The whole team at Pearl Lemon is extremely good at what they do.”

Kristian Gaylord
Growth Hacker partner
“Being an partner here at Pearl Lemon has allowed a fast growth in experience on a professional level, all while being able to work my own schedule and be trusted with my initiative all while working with a highly skilled team. I’ve learned more in my first month practically than 4.5 years of education.”

Lydia Sims
SEO Project Manager partner
“This partnership has been a whirlwind of an experience. This partnership was highly intensive and fully immersive since day 1. It was like getting thrown in with the wolves at first, but a rewarding experience”

Grace Baldwin
Copywriting partner
“From Day 1 the challenge this partnership has provided has been amazing. The learning has been non-stop and I couldn’t have imagined choosing a better company to be with. The value and the mission of the company is great and the experience has been life changing.”

Chadrack Buliamu
SEO partner
“I am glad I found a business like this to work with, Deepak is full of energy and driven with goals and that translates to how the business runs. If you are thinking about working with or for Pearl Lemon, you won’t regret it”

Becky Willyard
Executive Assistant & Project Manager
“I have enjoyed working with this team even though I have never met them. I have learned so much from the start. Deepak is truly one of the most wise in the field and great to work under.”

Copywriting partner
“It wasn’t always easy to start, there was a lot to learn. The company grows quickly, so you have to be able to keep pace. You always get feedback so you can grow personally and professionally.”

Lincoln Green
Growth Hacker partner
“The people here are very helpful and professional. The pressure to get things done is good and the team ensures you totally understand what needs to be done, so you can do it to the best of your ability.”