Hey all,
It’s time for a new weekly update!
As I mentioned in my last blog post, this week was all about catching up with older tasks – but not only! It feels so relieving to finally see my Trello board emptier. Think about that feeling when you cross out many things from your checklist and are ready to take on new challenges.
I enjoyed working on these older tasks which were mostly optimizing forms and courses. All our courses are built and stored on Archbee which I personally consider handy to use and navigate. However, it may not be our long-term solution as we cannot track people’s progress and courses cannot be organised in a structured way. These are going to be essential aspects once we create more and more content – and you know how fast Pearl Lemon grows!
Some changes were implemented to our job ads as we’re aiming at giving more visibility to partners’ video and written testimonials alongside these blog posts which we all write every week. Among the best ways to have a feeling of something you don’t know, let people who directly experienced it tell you more about it. You would take a closer look at what to expect and possibly understand whether it’s something for you or not.
Another important revision was made to the web app designer ad. Unfortunately, the description wasn’t accurate as it focused on requirements like UX/UI design rather than coding skills and the ability to use platforms such as WordPress, Shopify, Wix etc. Once we found more relevant candidates for this position, Kaushal, one of our designers, helped me analyse their profiles. We ended up interviewing one girl on a video call and decided she can start her trial period next Monday.
Two interesting people applied to the general partnership program – rather than to a specific position – and we were wondering if it made sense to hire them considering we’re already 18 people in the team! This week I was indeed very busy with task management. I privately asked all partners to show me their to-do list and point out to the activities that have been postponed for too long, especially if it was due to them not liking the task. Here at Pearl Lemon, we want everyone to enjoy what they do and feel motivated by it. If that is not the case, there is no point in continuing – it would not be fruitful for the partner nor for the company. I therefore tried to redistribute some tasks and lighten some people’s workload. This was useful because it made me realise what work could be given to a potential new partner. In the end, we were happy to welcome Isabela as a new Marketing Executive!
In regards to Kemistri Italy, I worked on my usual campaigns and discussed some administration with Francesco, our Italian Marketing Director. I had just convinced him to switch to a youcanbook.me calendar – the virtual calendar tool we all use – when I found out we need to pause all work on Kemistri for a while!
With an emptier agenda, it was time to refresh my goals. On Friday, I had a call with Deepak and among the things we discussed, he came up with new tasks for me. I won’t spoil anything but rather tell you more next week.
Outside of Pearl Lemon, I tried to get involved with activities that kept me away from screens for as long as possible. Here I am pretending to know what I am doing! But really, I was helping my mom and sister who were sewing some cloth for an important family project. You’ll find out!
Until next week! Ciao!