Hello everyone, I’m back again and very excited to share my experiences at Pearl Lemon. Today 04th September 2020 is the Day 147, I’ve been a part of Pearl Lemon as an Partner, and this is partner update blog, for week 17.
Firstly let’s do a recap of what I did this week at work.
This week has been monotonous mostly, I spent the majority of the time in doing the regular ongoing tasks, which include organising incoming leads from all the internal websites via contact forms, drift and a few other sources like Clutch & other white labelled tools.
I have been funnelling emails from various job boards and Clutch for generating leads via email marketing, something I have been doing for a long time and replicating my process a new starter has also tried funnelling emails via Clutch, she learnt and paced up quickly.
The best part of funnelling emails is it can be done easily via email extractors like Skrapp.io (not very accurate), Hunter (Best for websites) and Find That Lead (Almost always accurate) and the worst part is when things go down south i.e. extractors show the email is accurate by 90% but another tool Clearout.io just smashes them and I have to redo those again to meet the daily automation requirements.
There’s so much to do with Gsuite- Gmail in general, I never used most of the features before working at Pearl Lemon- starred, archive, templates etc., Also Dee emphasis on having an inbox 0 because it is very crucial for businesses to ensure there aren’t any missing leads.
Leveraging the inbound leads via drift is something I have been doing every day and I booked 3-4 successful calls into Adam & Ion’s calenders, apart from these, I have also been managing commission crowd, angel and bark.
Coming to the new tasks I worked on this week include,
- Explained existing tasks and passed on a couple to new starters and another teammate to reduce my task load and I monitored the work of the new starter.
- Started managing lead catcher on Mailshake, this is a wonderful feature of Mailshake to easily sort, check and classify leads to clean the campaigns.
- Audited SEO/EOD reports of partners on Whatsapp and also the partner update blogs to weeks ratio.
- Worked on automating a sequence of actions via IFTTT, most of the presets are old and won’t comply for the updated facebook’s settings, collaborated with Khiz another team member from Pakistan but the task is still incomplete, need to work on it again.
- Worked on a couple of more researches for an agreement, related to services and recruitment purposes.
To cope with the external disturbances in the working environment Dee suggested all the partners, to make a signboard to stating to not to disturb while working, I got into Canva and made a simple signboard to stick on my room’s door- should see how effective this gonna turn out and help me out with external disturbances.
Well, that’s it for this week. Catch you next Friday, until then stay safe and will keep posting further updates (TJ at Pearl Lemon)
— TJ