WEEK 2 – OCT 12

This week was super busy and stressful but I still managed to have fun and learn a lot. It seems that I enjoy putting myself in a stressful situation by taking on 23423 tasks at once without thinking about how much I have to do. I managed to complete everything luckily and the work I produced wasn’t rushed, but it wasn’t an easy week. The beginning of the week started out with having a meeting with a new partner, Harry. I had an abundance of reading to do for a digital signage client so I spent a few hours a day getting through it. I wanted to get more involved in PR tasks so I began looking at material for that but unfortunately with everything I was already working on, I had to place it on the back burner for now. I’m getting a bit too excited with everything it seems. Had a company meeting with the digital signage company where I got to meet the team. A nice close-knit group of people it seems and I am excited to work with them. I’ll only be working with them for a month, but I hope to make the best of it.


I spent the remainder of the week working on tasks for Plant Sumo and Pearl Lemon Academy. Had a bunch of calls in regards to Pearl Lemon Academy and the plans for it but I had quite a few ideas with how to pursue it so I was excited to share my thoughts and plans with the rest of the team. I began two new tasks too, why? Because like I said, I seem to enjoy overworking myself and I have no idea why. The first task wasn’t so bad, it was quite simple and fun. I created a social media analysis for Pearl Lemon, suggesting how to move forward with the platforms and help increase overall awareness. Fortunately, my ideas were approved and appreciated by Dee and Federica so we decided to move forward with them, yay! The next assignment I feel like I broke my back for. I created a PowerPoint for Plant Sumo where I consolidated all of the company’s information into about 20 or so slides. When it comes to work and designing I throw my entire self into it becoming a perfectionist and what not. I think I spent a solid 6hrs on this presentation all in one go trying to see what information was needed, what wasn’t, the appropriate font, colour scheme, and layout for it. I was so happy when it was done and excited to show others it, hoping they’d appreciate it too. I spent the majority of Friday hopping from one call to another depending on the various projects. I was quite overwhelmed as I had 23423 tasks to do and I didn’t know where to start. In the team meeting, I felt more relaxed than last week and I could be myself. Talked a bit more and got a feel for the other team members. 


I ended up doing some work on Saturday and Sunday. It wasn’t a whole lot, just some small stuff, but from this week I have learned that I really need to work on separating my work life and my social life. Because the team is so international and people are starting and ending at different times and with the various group chats of people updating each other, I feel like I need to constantly pay attention to the chats just in case I am needed. I need to remind myself that when the day is over and whatever work there still is, there is always tomorrow to complete it. Also, I keep taking on tasks and then realising I have too much on my plate. Need to learn to say no or “I’m sorry I can’t do it”. I feel bad but there are always other people around to help or else I’ll be spiralling down a deep dark hole of work and that’s not something I particularly want. 


Not work-related but I went to the gym on Wednesday signing up for a class called Legs Bums and Tums (LBT). I used to go once a week pre-COVID and I decided that since the gym wanted to keep charging me for my membership I might as well make the best of it. The class was fun but holy shit it kicked my ass alright. Ended up hobbling home and for the next few days as I was super sore. Made me realise how out of shape I am and how sad it is but it’s okay, baby steps, I’ll get back into the routine eventually. 

Overall thoughts of week 2: Super busy but still enjoyed it all and I feel like I’m getting more comfortable working with the team! 

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