Hello everyone, I’m back again and very excited to share my experiences at Pearl Lemon. If you missed the previous one it’s here Partner Update2.
Today 29th May 2020 is the Thirty First Day, I’ve been a part of Pearl Lemon as a Partner and still in lockdown at home due to Coronavirus and the past month is the quickest of my life and I’m still sorting my work schedule, I have been working for 4–5 Hours a day and these are one of the best productive hours I ever had, each day there is something to learn new and work with.
This week was very packed I had to look after construction work at my place which involved #JCBKiKhudai and there were a lot of tasks to do for Pearl Lemon too.
Some of the tasks this week were research-based regarding SaaS tools, outreach tasks, edited and created landing pages for Dee’s Blog, check it out it’s got some great content. During the research, I got to know some of the coolest facts about SEO, one of such is ‘On average, long content receives 77.2% more backlinks than short articles’ and this proves again that more is always better.
So this week was everything more for me, more personal work, more professional work and hoping to learn even more from the super talented people like Dee during the partnership until then stay safe and will keep posting further updates (TJ at Pearl Lemon) catch you next Friday.
— TJ