Heather here 🙂

It’s been a week of quick wins for me at Pearl Lemon this week. There’s this strange feeling of having accomplished a lot, and also nothing at all.

I finally started using the Trello app this week (it only took me this long to get around to it) and I’m loving it. 

Despite juggling a hectic lifestyle, I’ve never cared for the generic To-Do list. I’m not sure if it’s just the Aquarius in me, irritated at the notion of being shoved into a box (even if I made said box).

Alternatively, it could just be the fact that writing something down implies I’ll need to act on it at some point in the future – rather than committing it to the vague, floating cloud in my scattered brain. 

I digress. 

Trello is awesome. It’s a virtual To-Do list, meaning I can’t misplace it. It also genuinely helps me keep track of what I need to do. Whenever a new project arises, I add the card to my Trello board and refer back to it throughout the week. Wish I’d done it sooner!

Right, back to those quick wins. Here’s what I’ve been up to during my fifth week at Pearl Lemon: 


PR, PR and more PR


This week, I had the privilege of getting to know two of the clients we’ll be offering PR services – Astteria and Dr Watson CBD. We’re working on building a press pack for each of them so we can have a bio and headshots to draw on for pitching. This is an exciting new venture with a lot of potential and I’m excited to get the ball rolling!

On the subject of client PR, I had a call with Semil to discuss an outreach strategy. It was fantastic getting to know him a little, and I’m looking forward to working with him and his team on this next step into media mentions.

A lot of my time this week was spent drafting answers for two interviews who accepted Deepak as a guest. While it was more time-consuming than I’d initially expected, it was an important process for two reasons: 

  1. The research involved meant I was learning even more about Deepak as an individual and business founder.
  2. It’s contributing to an information database that we can all pull from in the near future.

Having said that, I was relieved when it  turned out that Lydia and I had both pitched the same interview query and received the question list. Having slogged through the first two, I was a bit daunted at the prospect of a third. Lydia graciously agreed to handle it, and if I’m being honest, she’s going to do a much better job of it than me!

While we’re on the subject of PR (which has consumed most of my time this week), I also started pitching for our other Pearl Lemon sites this week. I also sent out queries on HARO, Sourcebottle and JournoRequest for expert round-up posts for PL Property and PL Sales. So far, there aren’t as many pitchers biting as there have been for our SEO round-up, but the pitch has yet to hit the HARO lists – so I’m feeling fairly optimistic!

Pitching for Pearl Lemon Properties has also brought Deepak’s attention to the fact that the site itself could really benefit from an About Us page. I really enjoyed working on creating one for SERPwizz, so was happy when he asked me to give it another go.

I’ve even put it on my Trello, like a proper grown-up!


Moving on from PR…


PL Scholarship Page

This is an exciting new venture we’re launching soon in addition to our partnership program. I roped in Rachael, who kindly got the ball rolling by churning out an initial draft amidst her own uber-hectic schedule (she’s just nice like that). 

It’s yet another thing I’ve never done before, and required a fair bit of research to examine how other similar companies were modelling it. However, we’ve now got a basic template for the page, and it should come together in the next couple of days – so watch this space!


Guest posts


Don’t even ask about this one. Seriously, just don’t. 

I have two half-finished drafts in my Google Drive vying for attention. They will be sorted by Tuesday, latest. Definitely. One hundred percent. 



After much digital blood, sweat and tears, the SERPwizz About Us page is finally live – and it’s beyond amazing! I’m so grateful for Tannistha’s input and Kaushal’s ability to implement my vague, ‘might be nice if we could…’ concept idea. 

The page is eye-catching and triumphant, and I couldn’t be prouder of our team and what we’ve managed to create together!

On a separate note, we averaged 1 media mention per day this week thanks to HARO outreach (two of them were even mine)! That’s a huge step forward in what I’m sure is just the beginning of PL’s PR success!



University is back in full-swing this week, and I struggled a bit to juggle my PL workload alongside interpreting the play text of Othello, etc. I’ve managed to catch up over the weekend, though, and am hoping to stay one step ahead in both departments from next week on!

Also, my fence collapsed due to bad weather, which the neighbour’s dogs took as an invitation to traipse about my garden pooping at will. So, there was that.

It’s sorted (ish). Still, roll on Week 6!


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