10 AM right now and I am about an hour into my work day so far. Delayed start to try to relax a little, but I only last so long before I find my way to the computer. Yesterday was one of my treat days, I am to have 2 or 3 a month, but no more. I feel groggy from a little too much calories and too much “no” foods.
Today I will be wrapping up singular tasks and working on ongoing tasks. This allows tomorrow to be a good fresh start. I honestly don’t think in the last 8-ish months this has happened before. I typically have a perpetual list of tasks to work through with new ones always incoming.
I also need to dive into further software research. I am figuring out screencast-o-matic, which usually fails on my HP for whatever reason. I have a goal of doing at least 2 videos a week going forward for Pearl Lemon Reviews. I need to make tutorials for software I use or could quickly learn that also run affiliate programs for passive income.
Today will be:
- Creating profiles for Dr.Hidden
- Creating profiles for Scott
- Posting this blog
- Making a quick landing page
- Checking 52K series for new edits
- Continue sending messages for a sales person
Profile creation is a little tedious, but simple enough. It is inputting the same information again and again. The goal I think is over 30 directories for Dr.Hidden. The more directories listed, the higher chance at visibility. Overall, it is a good Sunday task. Despite opting to not have off days, my Sundays usually give me a sluggish brain, probably a forced relaxation mode.
This week has been:
- Dr.Hidden profiles
- 52K edits
- Recruiting for the sales position
- Making some job posts
- Working on some new client tasks
- Editing the 1MoreRep newsletter
- Editing the 1MoreRep website
- Getting some reports from XERO
- Filling out some forms
- Failing at calling some IR companies, getting no call backs or emails back.
- And an odd-end menagerie of last minute items I can’t recall because I started them as they came in and they did not make it to trello.
- Got the final draft for the training manual out
I am pleased with the response amount from sales applicants. I found that giving my whatsapp number with instruction for a voice note gets much better responses than just sending the paperform over. This goes to a tune of 4 people filled out the paper form of the 50+ it got sent to. About 10 people of the 50+ responded over whatsapp. The hiccup is still people not following direction at the voicenote or typing to them 3x to give the intro voice note.
Partner life this week has proven to make me both impatient and slightly stressed. Ready to have my degree in hand and be “a real grown up” again. Impatience also stems from just being ready for more tasks to start up like normal. Also impatient in waiting for my sister to stop coming over every time she gets sick and sharing that joy.
This week feels extra productive though, not having new tasks queued up each day for the last few days allows for that true catch up. It was a nice change of pace, but I am excited to get back to my usual work load tomorrow.
Outside of work and school this week I was finally able to get my 16th tattoo and prepay for my 17th that will be during the first week of march from holiday funds. It excites me to continue the sleeve progression. Right arm is for matching tattoos I get with friends (there are 4 more planned for it so far), my left arm is working its way to be more spooky and family theme items (this arm will have a big shoulder piece and the piece I get in March). After March though, there will be a “saving” time because holiday funds go to tattoos and there is a large piece I want for my son that will be pushing $500.
It has also been another week in the never ending saga of “let me graduate now please.” Numerous angry phone calls to the college about not being informed one class isn’t covered by financial aid because it isn’t a requirement. I pulled all email communications up and I was told it would…so that was fun.
Also spending a week total at my friend’s apartment. Surgery for her in a few days, so I am hanging around for moral support. Friends for 13 years now, so we are deep in sibling territory and often end up watching horror films with facemasks. Which will also be our Sunday night when I wrap things up.
Anyway, time to wrap this post up. I feel it is shorter than normal, I also keep feeling myself zone out as I type. The groggy brain is real. So for now, a little more coffee, a lot more kombucha and time to crack into tasks more.