Hello everyone, I’m back again and very excited to share my experiences at Pearl Lemon. Today 04th December 2020, I’ve been a part of Pearl Lemon for 30 weeks. Yes, the weeks have been passing very quickly and I got to the 30th week very soon.

As it been in all the weeks, this week was so fast, the managerial position is kind hectic but dealing and managing people is also interesting, meeting new people and going in-depth on how they work is a one of an experience as each person has a different modus operandi.

We were in hunt of virtual assistants for getting some process works done and for the same I had to deal with 05 different people from the Philippines, UK and Pakistan and for the same I had to make multiple looms for explaining the tasks and numerous WhatsApp texts for clearing questions.

It is evident that dealing with people burns a lot of time, but I guess this is an initial phase only and I expect that once people settle up things should go fast and grow soon.

Lemme do a recap of what I did this week at work now.

I’ve worked on varied tasks this week obviously mostly research-based.

Here are a few tasks in a brief

  1. The AppSumo LTD’s redemptions process and playing with new tools has continued this week on a roll.
  2. I had to dig deep for some internal stuff and made more sheets for the SEO team.
  3. Worked on ResumeCats PR task for getting interviews from industry experts.
  4. Worked on SERPwizz PR task for getting expert quotes.
  5. Domains, domains and more domains- I’ve worked on setting up new domains for Pearl Lemon Academy, a client campaign and also worked on setting up an RSS feed + SendFox integration.

I’ve worked closely with Heather, Harry, Kaushal and Lokesh this week on various PR tasks, website tasks and SEO works to pace up things.

On other news, this is my Fish Tank and this fish is 8 Years Old! 

The funniest thing is this dude responds to whistles as if he is a pupper, Haha!

Well, that’s it for this week. Catch you next Friday, until then stay safe and will keep posting further updates (TJ at Pearl Lemon)


— TJ