Hi everyone!

Update number 4! I’m can’t believe it’s been this long.

Aside from my usual PR and content writing tasks, I have asked if work was happy to let me do some design tasks and they said yes!

I’ll be starting out small, just some youtube thumbnails – here’s a sneak peek at what I have designed. It’s a pretty simple youtube thumbnail, but I like it. I think simple is best when it comes to thumbnails because they are so smol ;).

I’m hoping that I can get a bit more creative with designs and animations next week when (hopefully), I’ll start making some social media content for Plant Sumo. 

What I’ve Learned Recently:

Every week we do training, sometimes it’s on technical stuff and sometimes it’s more general. For example, the other week we learned how to read Google analytics. Technical, useful. 

However, it’s always the more general and vague lessons that have the most impact on my working life. For example, Deepak taught us the power of ‘showing’ instead of ‘telling.’ Sounds vague right?

It means to show a person what you are doing/will do – instead of just describing it. This is SO much more impactful, quick, practical and communicates some of the things we fail to articulate. 

Everyone is a natural salesman, we edit what we say unconsciously. Showing is the way around this. 

The Month Ahead:

The learning curve is still going on, which is the most rewarding thing about this programme!


Amy 🙂