Monthly Intern Update 1 – Shreyas (SEO Executive)

Hello👋 I’m Shreyas, SEO Executive at Pearl Lemon. A quick introduction about myself – I’m from India and have finished my Bachelors in Business Administration. I have around 2 years of work experience, with roles such as Financial Analyst and SEO Analyst. My top 3 interests are technology, psychology and food. It has been one […]

Monthly Intern Update 1 – Kristel (Sales Support)

Literally, saying “Hello” to everyone in the world. Kristel here and today, I’m gonna take you on my journey as Back-end Sales Support in Pearl Lemon.  Despite the timezones, the culture, and the languages, here in Pearl Lemon, we live by this quote “We practice what we preach”. I remember being unemployed because my employer […]

Monthly Placement Update 1 – Vasco (Business Director)

Hi everyone, Vasco here. As I write this, I’m about halfway through my third month here at Pearl Lemon. I’ve just come back from a week off and was received back at the virtual office with open hands from the team.   Given that it’s my first update, I’ll sum up what I do here […]

Monthly Placement Update #1 – Natalie (Digital Marketing Executive)

Hello all! Today is my one-month anniversary of officially starting my internship at Pearl Lemon, and I’m excited to start sharing my thoughts and tracking my progress through these monthly blogs! To quickly introduce myself, I’m a rising American college Sophomore in Linguistics (for now) who’s now a bit over a month into my summer […]

Weekly Team Member Update 22 – Akhila (Research Analyst)

Hey Guys! This is Akhila – I’m the Research Analyst at Pearl Lemon. This is my 22nd blog post as we are writing the blogs once in a month and I’m back here to share my experience about the last month. It was pretty busy as well as new learning for me, working on several […]

Weekly Team Member Update 21 – Akhila (Research Analyst)

Hey Guys! This is Akhila – I’m the Research Analyst at Pearl Lemon. This is my 21st week and I’m back here to share my experience about this week. This week has been pretty busy to me with various tasks and also few additional tasks. I’m more focusing on the client project which must be […]

Weekly Intern Update #7 – Giulia (Digital Marketing Specialist team member)

Hey reader, Happy to be back weekly in this blog section!  This week was particularly productive for me, especially because I started reading interesting tips and recommendations of Jon Buchanan. I hardly recommend you give it a go too because what he writes is basically what everybody working in PR, Business and Sales experience. Reading […]

Weekly Team Member Update 20 – Akhila (Research Analyst)

Hey Guys!   This is Akhila – I’m the Research Analyst at Pearl Lemon. I’m back here to share my experience about this week. This week has been pretty busy to me with various tasks and also few additional tasks. So I’m in the process of learning and implementing them and It’s been five months […]

Weekly Member Update 19 – Akhila (Research Analyst)

Hey Everyone 🙂  Hope you all are doing good  This is Akhila, I’m the Research Analyst at Pearl Lemon. As I turned into working full-time with Pearl Lemon as a Research Analyst. I really love this opportunity which helps me to learn more. I’m back here to share my experiences of this week. Our team […]